This is LFV
LFV is a state-owned public enterprise with a mission in Air Traffic Control for both civil and military aviation, as well as related services. We provide Air Traffic Management and Air Navigation Services at several locations across Sweden. Our Air Traffic Controllers manage approximately 2,000 aircraft in Swedish airspace every day. LFV was the first in the world to introduce Remote Air Traffic Services, and we are driving digitalisation in several areas. We are involved in the development of European airspace through cooperation in organisations and alliances.

LFV in brief
- LFV is Sweden's leading actor in air traffic control for civil and military aviation and related services.
- We provide air traffic control at 16 airports/air force wings and from four control centres in Sweden: ATCC Stockholm, ATCC Malmö, RTC Stockholm and Östgöta Kontrollcentral (ÖKC).
- We conduct research and develop services and operational concepts to meet changing requirements for capacity, availability and sustainability.
- LFV cooperates in various alliances and organisations to improve the efficiency of European airspace.
- LFV has over 75 years of experience and knowledge in air navigation services and flight safety.
- LFV was the first in the world to offer Remote Tower Services (RTS). Today the air traffic at Kiruna Airport, Åre Östersund Airport and Umeå Airport is controlled remotely from RTC Stockholm.
- 1,150 employees.
- 583,000 flights handled in Swedish airspace 2023.
Our mission
LFVs main mission is to provide safe, efficient and environmentally friendly air navigation services for civil and military aviation and services for unmanned aviation. We are a state-owned public enterprise and our operations are mainly financed through fees and revenues. We work to achieve the transport policy objectives. We safely lead air traffic through Swedish airspace, both overflight traffic and air traffic at Swedish airports where we provide air navigation services. By participating in various collaboration efforts we help make the use of European airspace more efficient.
LFV is certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Read LFVs organisational policy (in Swedish).
Flexible and efficient airspace
Since 1978, military and civil airspace has been integrated in Sweden, an arrangement unique to Sweden. This permits airspace to be used flexibly and efficiently, contributing to sustainable airspace. The Swedish Armed Forces have operations at air force wings in Sweden where LFV personnel are responsible for air navigation services. In the technology area, new developments as well as updates to existing systems in the towers are carried out in close cooperation with the Swedish Armed Forces.
At the end of each year, irections for the following year are sent to the public authorities. These directions set out return requirements, expectations of what LFV will deliver and specific missions.
Here you can find
Financial and operational performance
Air traffic services - four operational areas
LFV operates in four areas; air navigation services, other commercial activities, research and innovation and government-funded activities.
Air navigation services
The vast majority of air navigation services are provided on an exclusive basis in a regulated market. This applies to air navigation services in the upper airspace and services provided to the Swedish Armed Forces and Swedavia. In addition to air traffic control, air navigation services include CNS services, flight information and weather reporting. These services are provided for both civil and military air traffic. Our clients are the airlines and flight operators that operate in Swedish airspace, the Swedish Armed Forces, and state, municipal and privately owned airports. Our operations include air navigation services provided in upper airspace, en route, from the air traffic control centres in Stockholm and Malmö.
Air traffic services also include airport control zones and terminal areas. These are areas on and directly adjacent to airports. We also provide air traffic control for entry and exit. This is done from air traffic control towers, stand-alone air traffic control centres and remote air traffic control centres. To enable its operations, LFVs infrastructure encompasses control centres, radar stations, navigational aids, operational systems and more.
Other commercial activities
To deliver smart solutions for tomorrow's aviation, partnerships and alliances are strategically important for LFV. They enable LFV to offer clients innovative and competitive products and concepts. Strategic meetings are held with commercial airlines to discuss long-term, important issues such as fees, capacity and delivery. For airports, LFV is a natural long-term development partner. Contracts with each client establish the terms and conditions for delivery, information exchange and follow-up. The international market for air navigation services has seen increased competition in recent years. This trend levelled off in 2020, primarily due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but work is ongoing to further develop airports and air navigation services to meet future infrastructure requirements.
Research and innovation
LFV conducts research and innovation mainly within the framework of Single European Sky ATM Research (SESAR), the European air traffic-management research programme. Research and innovation is financed by external funding, mainly through EU grants and funds from the Swedish Transport Administration and Vinnova. LFV also collaborates with universities and colleges and has a long-running collaboration with Linköping University.
Government-funded activities
LFV is obligated to provide robust air navigation services in all contingencies and has therefore received government funding to develop and strengthen both robustness and redundancy in the air navigation services area. This work is largely project-based. The work is carried out in programme form and includes numerous sub-projects.